Korak Restaurant

Korak Restaurant is a part of the JRE (Jeunes Restaurateurs), family of exclusive restaurants and chefs.


As of the beginning of 2024, JRE Croatia has 15 members, many of whom have a Michelin recommendation or a Michelin star. Members of JRE Croatia are currently Boškinac, Plavi podrum, Monte, Dubravkin put, San Rocco, Badi, Zijavica, Navis, Foša, Konoba Boba, Konoba Pelegrini, Konoba Kala, LD Korčula, Lemongarden, and Korak. These are restaurants of unquestionable quality, with professional and creative chefs and excellent staff, located in fairy-tale landscapes. Most importantly, the restaurants are united by a common passion for creating the ultimate fine dining meals.


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