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"Fantastic as they may be, fishing stories are still closely watched by those who listen to them. Whether they are talking about 200-kilogram catfish or three-meter pike, they always start from a real accident. Such is life at the end of a lie. "Pescăria lui Matei" is, however, a different kind of fishing story, (re)written over the course of three generations. Matei Datcu has been a fisherman for as long as he can remember. Metaphorically speaking, the 35-year-old man from Agigea was born in a boat. And not only that. He grew up among fishermen. The grandfather was the head of the fishery, the father, also the head of the fishery, and the young Matei, our character... the head of the fishery. Now he is also a restaurant manager. He is the owner of the local "Pescaria lui Matei", located right at the border of Agigea port, in a relatively isolated place, initially frequented only by connoisseurs.
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