
The delightful Compagniesdrift Wine and Farm shop is conveniently located in Stellenbosch. Wine lovers and foodies are invited to visit the shop where the service and hospitality will make you feel at home and where the choice of wine and treats will keep you coming back for more. While this is a great place to stop to stock up on wine, the wine tastings as well as a choice of snack or farm platters, make this a perfect outing. The shop's claim to fame is that visitors buy preserves here and come back for more, they also offer fresh vegetables from the garden and an assortment of branded items and merchandise. When it comes to wine, this is an impressive story because Compagniesdrift offers a modern temperature-controlled storage with a capacity of up to three million bottles. Their labelling service offers convenience to clients as the shop can label on demand according to the required quantities. They will soon be offering a bottling facility on site. Compagniesdrift Wines were launched in May 2015 by farm workers with ties to leading Stellenbosch wine properties Meerlust, Vriesenhof and Ken Forester. Their range of quality wines are made by renowned winemaker Altus Treurnicht.


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