
Founded in June 2019 by Ciro Di Lanno and Martina Capriotti, Mirta was born with the aim of giving a new international commercial breath to the small artisan realities of excellence that make our country unique, connecting them directly with the final consumer. Currently Mirta boasts a panel of 350 artisans in continuous growth belonging to different sectors: handbags, cashmere & wool, clothing and accessories, accessories for animals, footwear and household products. Starting from the end of 2021, the Mirta B2B platform was joined by the Mirta B2C network, which a few months after its launch already boasts more than 3000 retailers involved, mainly from the United States and Europe. Both platforms have the mission of bringing people to the center of the luxury experience: consumers, producers and retailers become an active part of innovation in the fashion sector.


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