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The Skansen Aquarium, with the World of Monkeys, has about 200 exotic species such as fish, corals, crocodiles, turtles, lizards, snakes, naked mole-rats, pygmy marmosets, golden lion tamarins, baboons, lemurs, spiders, bats and parrots. Visitors are allowed in to interact with some of the animals, such as the lemurs and the animals in the Children's Rain Forest. Skansen is the world's oldest open-air museum, showcasing the whole of Sweden with houses and farmsteads from every part of the country. At Skansen, you can discover Sweden's history and find out how Swedes once lived according to the changing seasons, through the customs and traditions, work, celebrations and everyday life of times gone by. This is the world's only open-air museum with wild animals. Here you can see Nordic wildlife, rare breeds, pets and exotic creatures. The Children's Zoo features domestic animals such as cats, rabbits and guinea pigs, as well as small wild animals.
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