Elizabeth Goodwin Welborn
Polo Player
Elizabeth Goodwin Welborn is an accomplished polo player, who has played competitively since 2012. After traveling extensively in South America where the game is popular and its players considered national heroes, Elizabeth returned to the Bay Area committed to publicizing and celebrating “the sport of kings.” This love of the game — and its fashion, traditions, countryside, and people — led to the creation of Stick & Ball, a luxury apparel company that draws inspiration from polo.
Elizabeth Goodwin Welborn Supports
Tipping Point
Elizabeth Goodwin Welborn Supports
Tipping Point
Tipping Point screens non-profits rigorously to find, fund and partner with the most promising groups helping low-income people achieve self-sufficiency. 100% of every dollar donated fights poverty. Since 2005, Tipping Point has raised more than $120 million to educate, employ, house and support those in need in the Bay Area, helping 22,000 people get on the path out of poverty in the last year alone.